People have been paying tribute to one of Bournemouth Oceanarium's most-loved residents.

The visitor attraction announced yesterday that Rufus, the Shovel-nosed Guitarfish, had passed away aged 18.

A spokesperson said: "In recent weeks, Rufus’ health had been deteriorating, and despite the very best efforts of our dedicated keepers and veterinary team, his health continued to decline.

"Rufus reached a very good age, having called the Oceanarium home for 18 years, and in that time he became a favourite character in our Shark Wreck Reef display due to the charismatic way he would always rest on the roof of the tunnel (hence where he got his name, Rufus!).

"We know that Rufus will be missed by all who knew him and we encourage you to share your photos, selfies and memories of him with us below."

People have been posting their selfies with Rufus below the post, and sharing their memories.

One person said: "Aww no. I remember visiting when I was a child and looking up at him. I'm so glad I got to bring my child to see him."

Another added: "Ah my girls will be sad. He was well looked after and amazing to watch."