HUNDREDS of pounds has been raised to fund the transportation of donations from Bournemouth to Ukraine, but more is still needed.

The JustGiving fundraiser was set up to help pay for lorries, petrol and other transportation costs to take donations from Bournemouth to Ukrainian refugees in Eastern Poland and into Ukraine.

It comes just days after an appeal was launched by Help from Bournemouth to Ukraine which has seen hundreds of people drop off donations.

Now using the old Argos unit at Castlepoint to store donations, the collection has sky-rocketted and will need multiple lorries to transport goods to the eastern border of Poland where thousands of Ukrainians are taking refuge.

READ MORE: How Dorset residents can help people in Ukraine

READ MORE: Empty Argos store at Castlepoint being used for donations for Ukraine

Nicole Riley organised the fundraiser after volunteering with Help from Bournemouth to Ukraine and seeing the sheer amount of donations they need to transport.

She said: “People are donating but we need to look further - the big question is how are we going to get it there? Who’s going to pay for it?

“It’s got so big that there’s costs and the people who are driving the lorries need to be looked after and the volunteers actually going out there all need to be fed as well.

"It all needs to be paid for."

Bournemouth Echo: Donations in CastlepointDonations in Castlepoint

Communities from across Dorset and beyond have been donating to help all of those affected by the Russian invasion.

“It’s been so busy and it’s amazing how the community has come together, it’s not just the Polish, it’s everyone," said Nicole.

“I didn’t expect it so quickly - it’s good to see that people, even though it’s difficult times, that we are coming together.

“It’s nice to see that people are coming together and actually it doesn’t matter where you come from - we will all help you.

“And it’s nice to see all the different communities coming together.

“I think we need that as a community, the heart-warming message from everyone, that we are behind you.”

Calling for more financial donations to help with transportation, organiser of Help from Bournemouth to Ukraine, Karol Swiacki said: “Our drivers will go for free but we need to help them cover fuel cost as it is getting expensive.

“We set £700 but we need a lot more to cover it.

“We did not realise when we started that we would be doing this much and getting such amazing results - we already have four lorries booked and a few vans.”

Volunteers will drive the donations, collected by Help from Bournemouth to Ukraine, to the Polish border with some going into Ukraine to reach everyone affected by the Russian invasion.

Karol said the organisers have been in discussion with the Polish Embassy and have the support of Consul Radosław Gromski.

Organisers continue to welcome donations and the warehouse will be open between 9am-5pm daily.