I COULD not believe the front page of the Echo February 23 which stated ‘businesses call for more on street parking spaces’.

Could this be the start of something? Are both business and hopefully the council waking up to the fact that to get people into town centres and shops you need to provide adequate parking, as an example look at Castlepoint.

I said a few years back that councils should evaluate all double yellow lines throughout the conurbation, with a view to where it is safe to do so removing them to allow more on street parking.

Cars parked safely will increase footfall to many small shops enabling them to stay in business.

Too much emphasis in the conurbation has been placed on spending funding provided by central government on cycle lanes etc, which will never be used to an extent to justify the expenditure, whereas money spent on increasing the amount of on-street parking will bring about many instant benefits.


Harkwood Drive, Hamworthy