NETTING on thatched buildings in Bridge Street, Christchurch is causing death and injury to birds – councillors have been told.

A public question to this week’s full council meeting asked the authority to take action.

A statement and question during the public section of the meeting said that several birds had died, trapped in the netting, either through stress, dehydration, starvation, or a combination of all three.

“This is cruel and unacceptable,” said questioner Conor O'Luby, asking what the council, was able to do about the situation to prevent any future, unnecessary bird deaths.

Deputy council leader Cllr Philip Broadhead said the council was currently reviewing the legislation but warned that the authority might not have any control over the installation of netting, which he said, appeared to be up to individuals how they wanted to maintain their own property.

“We understand the concern, however, and have referred to Natural England as the lead for the protection of the natural environment and who may have greater influence on this matter at a national level.”