A MAN has been jailed for multiple offences committed in the shopping area of Boscombe.

Timothy James Heath appeared in the dock accused of crimes which took place at the Sovereign Centre and Christchurch Road in August and April last year.

Heath, 33 and of Grosvenor Gardens, Bournemouth, pleaded guilty to intentional harassment, alarm or distress, assault by beating, theft and two counts of burglary at a Poole Magistrates’ Court hearing on February 22.

The defendant stole a bicycle belonging to a man in Christchurch Road on April 23.

On August 10 he entered behind the counter of The Fragrance Shop in the Sovereign Centre as a trespasser and stole £120 worth of fragrances.

He committed a like offence the following day, taking £60 worth of goods.

His offending continues on August 11 with an assault on a man by beating him in the shopping centre and the public order offence, which was aggravated due to hostility based on the sexual orientation, or presumed sexual orientation, of the victim.

Heath was committed to prison for 16 weeks and ordered to pay a £128 surcharge.

The bench said the criminality was serious because it involved a combination of offences, as well as the defendant’s previous record and lack of compliance with court orders.