A WOMAN was left “petrified” after a man came to the front door of her Bournemouth home and launched a barrage of threats against members of her family.

Keelan Craig Maidment’s “extremely unpleasant” behaviour against a woman whom he knew, was said to be a result of money owed to him by relatives of the victim.

Maidment, aged 27 and of Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, pleaded guilty to affray and the breach of a suspended sentence order.

Appearing via video link from custody for a Bournemouth Crown Court sentencing hearing on Friday, February 18, the defendant was jailed for a total of 15 months.

Bournemouth Echo: Keelan Craig MaidmentKeelan Craig Maidment

Judge Stephen Clime told Maidment while there may have been a dispute over money, “no one is entitled to take the law into their own hands”.

Prosecuting, Alec Williams told the court the complainant was at home with her husband when she heard a “loud bang at her front door” just after 7pm on March 12 last year.

The woman described the defendant as being “aggressive” and “shouting”.

Mr Williams said the complainant said Maidment made threats about killing her relatives and setting fire to the house. The defendant denied making the threats of that nature but accepted what he had done was “out of order”.

The prosecutor said a statement from the woman, who believed the threats, said: “She described herself as being petrified and unable to sleep.”

Mitigating, Aleks Lloyd said the relatives of the complainant owed his client £480 after he had leant them the cash.

Mr Lloyd said Maidment “wants to change his life” and asked the judge not to impose an immediate custodial sentence.

However, Judge Climie said the defendant must be jailed, with the affray taking place during the period of a suspended sentence issued by the crown court judge in September 2020 for offences of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and affray.

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