A “RING OF STEEL” security fence is to be built around Broadstone Middle School to improve security.

The 2.4 metre tall structure will replace an ageing chain link fence and fill in gaps where there is no fencing.

Councillors, who unanimously approved the fence, were told that normally the structure might not be allowed in the green belt area – but the need for improved security was more important.

The schools site, off Dunyeats Road, has a site of scientific interest to the north, protected trees to the north and west and a conservation area to the south west.

The Castleman Academy Trust application had been recommended for approval by a council planning officer.

There had been no public or statutory objections to installing the new fencing when it was advertised although similar fences on other sites, notably at the Bournemouth School and a similar middle school site in Dorchester, had resulted in public objections.

The BCP planning board was told that a large part of the site is within the designated Green Belt but a planning officer report said the nature of the application made it a permissible scheme.

“Given the nature of the site as a school, which forms an integral part of providing education in the local community, it is considered that very special circumstances are applicable in this case to allow the additional development within the Green Belt, and, on balance, the impacts to the openness of the Green Belt are acceptable.”

Apart from asking if holes would be left in the fencing to allow wildlife to move around the area, the application was approved without comment.

The committee was told that the plans showed no proposals for ‘wildlife corridor’ access through the fencing, which  is expected to be coloured green, to diminish its impact in the landscape.