PLANS to install a new fencing around a Poole school to make it a safer environment are set to be approved.

Castleman Academy Trust is seeking permission for the 2.4metre high perimeter fencing and internal gates at Broadstone Middle School.

The application for the site in Dunyeats Road is recommended for approval by a council planning officer.

The proposal has to go before BCP Council's planning committee on Thursday, February 17, as the application is deemed major due to the size of the site and it is owned by BCP Council.

No objections to installing the new fencing have been submitted by residents or consultees.

A large part of the site is within the designated Green Belt but planning officer Chloe Oliver's report said the nature of the application made it a permissible scheme.

Her report said: "Given the nature of the site as a school, which forms an integral part of providing education in the local community, it is considered that very special circumstances are applicable in this case to allow the additional development within the Green Belt, and, on balance, the impacts to the openness of the Green Belt are acceptable."