THE Macmillan White Christmas Dip has raised £29,751 so far and is issuing a final call to those who may still be collecting their cheques.

Hoping to reach their target of £30,000, cheques and completed sponsorship forms can be sent to Macmillan Caring Locally, The Macmillan Unit, Christchurch Hospital, Fairmile Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2JX.

Cheques should be made payable to Macmillan Caring Locally.

Cash can be delivered to their offices at the above address, please phone 01202 477628 first, to make sure someone from the charity team is on site to see you.

Online donations can also be sent securely through the web site donation page In the message field please mention your donation is from the White Christmas Dip so they can apportion it to the event.