THOUSANDS of pounds worth of damage has been caused to a town centre hotel by two people who stayed for less than £120.

Police had to be called when guests at the Cecil Court Hotel in Durley Road refused to leave at checkout time after trashing the room they had stayed in for three days.

Staff at the hotel found the guests had left blood stains on the bed, broke a table, cluttered the room with litter, put a hole in the wall and came back to smash the front door.

Bournemouth Echo: More than £1,000 of damage was caused to a room at the Cecil Court Hotel

The owner of the hotel said he wants to make people aware of this issue to prevent it happening again.

Richard Cooper said: “It was an online booking site reservation and at the minute we are not allowed to enter the rooms during their stay due to Covid.

“The woman had become very hostile and violent.

“We called the police and we managed to get them out but she came back and smashed the window on the front door.

“We are vulnerable, they took the keys, I have had to change all the locks, re-code the whole security system.

“We’ve had to redecorate the room, had to destroy most of the stuff, the carpet has needed to be cleaned and it’s cost over £1,000 for a £118 booking.

“It was stressful because of the way the guests were.

“She was mouthy and gobby, threatening, it’s hard to put it into words, especially as I have just refurbished the room.

“We’ve had a few like this but never as bad.”

Bournemouth Echo: Guests caused £1,000 worth of damage to the Cecil Court Hotel

Mr Cooper said the experience was traumatic and staff didn’t want to go into the room because of the woman’s threatening behaviour.

He continued: “It’s extremely difficult to run a hotel, you are up against things like this.

“You’ve had continual lockdowns, the room rate is around £35 a night when it costs £40 to put someone in there so you are not making profit.

“You are making a loss then you end up with the bill for this.

“It’s disappointing and it’s always a fear because you are vulnerable.

“Some people just don’t care, these people didn’t care.”

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “Dorset Police received a report at 11.06am on Thursday, February 3 that a woman was acting aggressively at the Cecil Court Hotel in Durley Road in Bournemouth.

“Officers attended and the woman was removed from the hotel and advised not to return.”