A STOLEN minibus belonging to a New Forest scout group has been discovered abandoned more than 50 miles away.

Police have confirmed the vehicle belonging to the 1st Poulner Scout Group in Ringwood has been discovered in Chichester, around three days after the vehicle was stolen.

The 17-seater Ford Transit minibus was discovered in a residential area of Sussex after apparently being parked up for days. Police have checked the vehicle for forensic evidence and it is reported that no damage has been sustained.

A Hampshire Police spokesperson said: “We can confirm that a vehicle matching the description of a minibus believed to have been stolen from Poulner Scout Group between 6pm on January 30 and 7am on January 31 has since been recovered.

“The vehicle was found in Stockbridge Gardens in Chichester yesterday evening (February 2).

Bournemouth Echo: Stockbridge Gardens in Chichester. Picture: GoogleStockbridge Gardens in Chichester. Picture: Google

“Officers are currently liaising with Sussex Police to arrange recovery of the vehicle. Enquiries into the initial theft of motor vehicle remain ongoing at this time.”

The discovery of the vehicle was in part thanks to a needle eyed Echo reader. According to the scout group, a man from Chichester posted a picture of the abandoned minibus sat in Stockbridge Gardens to a Facebook page connected with the scouts. A person from Christchurch saw the post and recognised it from the Echo’s report on the original theft.

This person then contacted Poulner Scout Group who in turn contacted police.

Poulner scout leader Clive Bower said: “It’s obviously fantastic news for the group. What a relief and what a fantastic way in which social media has so much power in this day and age.”

A Ringwood Police spokesperson added: “Police enquiries remain ongoing to identify those who are responsible and we will be seeking to bring them to justice for the crimes that they have committed.”