A SEAFRONT cafe has obtained planning permission to expand and revamp its premises.

The Beach Hut Cafe in Friar's Cliff, Christchurch, tabled a proposal for a new canopy, side extension and refurbishments with BCP Council's planning department.

Seven comments were submitted by residents in support of the new plans, with no objections.

One beach hut owner said: "The Beach Hut Cafe is a fabulous local community based and focussed business.

"It is well run, with support for regular beach cleans and plenty of local community activity. In our opinion the council should support the brilliant local business."

Another resident added: "I wholeheartedly support this application . The suggested changes are in keeping with the character of this seaside cafe which is not ostentatious, and which is a much-loved part of our community."

The application was approved by a planning officer under delegated powers.