LUXEMBOURG and Dunkirk have recently brought in free public transport.

Leicester is at the consultation stage of a workplace parking tax.

Can you see where I’m going here?

It seems unfair that people cycling, walking or taking the bus/train to work, shops or leisure facilities are subsidising everyone who is provided with free parking at these places.

A tax on free parking would not only cut down on the congestion on our roads by encouraging use of the new improved cycle, bus and pedestrian infrastructure being built in the transforming travel programme.

It would also allow for at least some free public transport.

I would suggest Oyster cards being issued to all residents, say with up to ten journeys a week provided, not to be carried over and not transferable.

It would also go someway to levelling up the fact I would get a free bus pass this year if I lived in London, Wales or Scotland, but here I have to wait another seven years.


Britannia Road, Poole