A PETITION has been launched calling on BCP Council to extend the period of consultation on potential policies that could shape the future of development across the conurbation.

The local authority launched its Local Plan issues and options consultation last month.

Residents currently have until March 7 to share their views on the suggested strategies, as well as put forward their own ideas.

Resident Alex McKinstry set up the petition in an attempt to push the deadline for responses back by six to eight weeks.

He said this would "allow for more meaningful feedback on this extremely complicated consultation paper".

"The BCP Issues & Options paper is a prelude to the Local Plan, which will shape policy in the towns of Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch until 2038 and possibly beyond," he added.

"The paper was two years in the making. Yet residents have been given a mere eight weeks to comment on this paper, which covers such diverse topics as housing provision, retail strategy, transport infrastructure, the natural environment and climate policy."

To view the petition, visit website you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/bcp-local-plan-issues-options-consultation