SAY a big welcome to five of our readers’ furry friends

This week we have gone ahead and shone the spotlight on adorable pets, including a bridesmaid pooch, an adorable Yorkshire Terrier, Luna the cat who follows her owner everywhere and a hamster who can’t stop eating.

Bournemouth Echo: At the wedding

Maggie, the boxer-spring spaniel-cross, is guilty for being a very loud snorer, but enjoys a good run on the beach with her owner Lily Pope.

However, Maggie was given a good brush and made to look her best as she was one of Lily’s bridesmaids at her wedding.

Bournemouth Echo: Our beautiful Luna

Luscious Luna loves getting treats, chasing birds but, most of all, her cuddles. She follows her owner Becky around her house in Christchurch like a shadow.

She said: “She follows me everywhere. If I'm in the garden she's with me in the garden and if I'm inside she's inside with me. She’s a very loyal loving cat.”

Bournemouth Echo: Oh hello!

Weston the Syrian Hamster loves nothing more than chewing things and nibbling away at sunflower seeds.

Bournemouth Echo: Sitting like a hooman ?

Sleeping and playing with his toy mouse are Alan’s favourite things to do. His owner adores how much he loves the rest of his family.

Bournemouth Echo: Ready for bed

Little Teddy loves playfighting, chasing his ball and going for long walks. His owner Lynn Burns is besotted by him, saying he is “cute and faithful”.