POLICE seized a number of vehicles used illegally and undertook investigations into burglaries in a busy shift.

Ringwood Police worked with Christchurch Police to deal with issues impact Burton, Bransgore, Sopley and Winkton.

A spokesperson for Ringwood Police said: “Really good to work with Christchurch Police today to deal with issues which impact on villages of Burton, Bransgore, Sopley and Winkton.

“Especially in regard to criminal damage caused by catapults, hare coursing and catalytic converter thefts.

“Ringwood Police have already recovered a large number of vehicles used illegally and undertaken investigations with evidence seized into burglaries and other crimes.

“By working closely with Dorset Police and using joint intelligence we will increase opportunities to target offenders and prosecute criminal activities to improve quality of life for residents and rural businesses in what is already one of the safest areas of UK.

“To help us challenge crime tell us who is stealing or dealing in confidence on 101 so we can target those causing misery for others.”