A DORSET care provider has been rated ‘requires improvement’ in its latest CQC report.

Arena Business Centre AKA Tender-Hearted Care was inspected by the Care Quality Commission on November 17 last year.

The CQC inspects care providers periodically and determines whether they are ‘inadequate’, ‘requires improvement’, ‘good’, or ‘outstanding’.

Tender-Hearted Care is a domiciliary care agency that provides personal care to adults living in their own homes. It is based in Nimrod Way, East Dorset Trade Park, Wimborne.

The inspectors found it requires improvement in two categories - safety and leadership.

The CQC report said: “Staff had not always been recruited safely as records showed recruitment checks had not been completed to ensure suitable staff had been recruited to work with older people.”

After previously being rated as ‘inadequate’ on July 22, 2021, the CQC said : “At this inspection, enough improvement had not been made and the provider was still in breach of Regulation 19 (Fit and proper persons employed) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.”

This service has been in special measures since 8 April, 2021. During its latest inspection the provider demonstrated that improvements have been made overall.

Due to these improvements the provider was no longer in breach of some of the previous Health and Social Care Act 2008 and Regulations 2014 and is no longer considered to be in special measures.

The report also stated: “Systems to assess the quality of the service meant it was continually learning and developing. Accidents and incidents within the service were used to make improvements. There were checks at provider level with a focus on compliance to ensure the service operated safely.”

The Daily Echo contacted Tender-Hearted Care for a comment.