A HOMELESS man who previously lived in a tent in Poole, now has his own flat and is applying for jobs.

Keith, 53, became homeless in 2020 after his landlord suddenly sold the property where he was living.

Until July 2021, the former welder slept rough in a small tent in woodland at Canford Cliffs, Poole.

He said: “Sleeping rough was okay when the weather was fine. I ate at places like the church soup kitchen in Lansdowne and generally didn’t mix with others that much because I had managed to stop drinking and didn’t want to get sucked back into it.

“But over last summer, every time we had heavy rain I was flooded out and all my things including my sleeping bag were soaked. The last time that happened my sleeping bag was ruined and I started to feel pretty desperate.

“Luckily some people from the St Mungo’s charity found me and assessed me as officially homeless and things started to change pretty quickly.”

BCP Council placed Keith into emergency bed and breakfast accommodation and from there BCHA stepped in to offer long term accommodation and support.

Keith said: “I have my own safe and clean place, with my own bills to pay and my life is getting back on track – although I still wake up some mornings and think someone will tell me it’s all a mistake and I have to leave.”

“I am currently applying for roles in catering and I also hope to start volunteering soon.

“It still hasn’t all really sunk in yet. This would have seemed like a pipe dream just a few months ago.”

Keith is staying in BCHA's Clock House, a new, purpose-built property with 15 flats.

He has settled in quickly and has since registered on BCHA’s At Your Service programme where he has already completed a qualification in Food Hygiene.

Val Jefferies, Project Manager of At Your Service said: “At Your Service has been launched in response to unemployment resulting from Covid and the need for trained staff for the struggling hospitality industry.

“We are offering unemployed people like Keith the chance to gain new skills and qualifications to equip them to return to work.

“Keith’s engagement has been outstanding. He has a safe and secure place to live and we look forward to supporting him as he enters work and enjoys a fulfilling future.”