A 30-HOME scheme has been agreed for a site off South Street at Fontmell Magna.

Twelve of the homes will be ‘affordable’ with at least half of them for rent with the others offered for sale at a discount.

The project, from Pennyfarthing Homes, had attracted some negative comments from neighbours.

The parish council initially also had concerns about the development but now supports revised plans.

Concerns about the scheme included the risk of the site flooding, the removal of some hedging, impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, road safety and the loss of rural landscape.

The agreed proposal for the 2.2 hectare site will include a car park and school drop off-pick up space for St Andrew’s School.

Dorset Council decided that at more than 100 metres away from the nearest properties at Home Farm and The Mead the development would have no impact on their privacy, outlook or light.

The scheme will involve a minor diversion of a public footpath at the northern end of the site with a road access off the A350 leading to two cul-de-sacs having a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced homes, each with its own parking and garden.