A CONSULTATION has been launched enabling residents to have their say on the school transport policy.

In order to maintain consistency across the conurbation on how school transport assistance is provided, BCP Council is looking to create one policy to replace different policies held by the previous councils.

These changes will ensure that BCP Council’s statutory requirements continue to be met.

This assistance is currently available to eligible students who attend a school under certain requirements, including attending their nearest school that is beyond the statutory walking distance; having a disability, mobility difficulties or special educational needs which prevent them from walking to school; and/or living on a route within the statutory walking distance which is considered to be unsafe.

The consultation is now open and local residents can give feedback until February 18.

Councillor Nicola Greene, portfolio holder for council priorities and delivery, said: “Under a united Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, it is crucial that key policies like home to school transport are consistent and that residents living in the BCP area have fair and equal access to transport assistance to support students to travel to school.

“We understand how important it is for students and parents that these decisions are made quickly and fairly. Our priority remains ensuring that every child in the BCP Council area has an equal opportunity for a high-quality education and we recognise how essential transportation can be for accessibility.”

To take part in the consultation visit: https://haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/hometoschool.