A MAN suffering with a number of health issues due to being overweight has managed to lose more than six stone after he joined a weight loss scheme.

Retired production manager, Jeff, from Wareham, was suffering with high blood pressure and high blood sugars - all linked to being overweight.

On hearing about a scheme run by Livewell Dorset offering 12 weeks of losing weight. He decided to join his local Slimming World group in October 2019 and couldn't believe it when he stepped on the scales after just one week that he'd lost 7.5lbs.

Jeff said: “I didn’t think I’d be able to eat so much food including Sunday roasts, fish and chips and even fit in my favourite tipple Jack Daniels and still lose weight!”

Jeff has now lost 6.5 stone and attends his Slimming World group in Wareham each week and says the motivation, sharing ideas, and encouragement from his consultant Jackie Ballard and the other members of his group has without doubt been the key to successfully losing weight.

Since losing weight, Jeff said he has lowered his blood pressure and reduced his blood sugars, has more energy and feels fitter than ever before.

Consultant, Jackie Ballard, said: “We are all so incredibly proud of Jeff and all he has achieved, he is so much more confident and so committed to group he shares recipes and lots of ideas for the other members to try. Jeff is always in his allotment as he loves to garden which I know he finds so much easier now he has lost weight. We are all so proud of Jeff at group and can see how much happier he is.”

The UK’s first study into the relationship between weight loss and mental toughness reveals that people like Jeff who are supported to lose weight in a group environment not only lose more weight than those who choose to lose weight without support, but can also increase their mental toughness.

The study by the University of Lincoln examined the relationship between weight loss and mental toughness over a period of six months and revealed that members of Slimming World groups lost weight more successfully than a comparison group (who were aiming to lose weight without the support of a group) and also significantly improved their mental toughness. During the six months of the study, on average Slimming World members lost over 2 stone more than those in the comparison group. Their measures of mental toughness on average rose 10 per cent, from a low to an average score in Slimming World group members, whereas the comparison group had no statistically significant change to their mental toughness.

Mental toughness, a concept used in psychology and behaviour change that has been studied within the sports field for many years, is linked to characteristics such as keeping a clear focus on goals even when under pressure, having a strong sense of purpose and self-determination, and feeling in control.