STAFF and residents at a Poole care home are celebrating after improving on their previous ‘Requires improvement’ grading by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Ashley Court care home in St Peters Road, run by care provider Healthcare Homes, was praised by the social care regulator for being safe, responsive and well-led and was given a ‘Good’ rating.

In June 2019, the home was given a ‘Requires improvement’ as inspectors found “multiple breaches of regulation”.

The provider completed an action plan to show what they would do to improve. At the latest inspection in September 2021, the CQC found improvements had been made and the provider was “no longer in breach of regulations”.

There were 59 people receiving care and support at the time of the inspection, many of whom were living with dementia.

Residents told the CQC that Ashley Court was a safe place to be and that they were happy and content. One resident gave a big thumbs up and smiled when asked if they were happy.

Several staff also expressed pride over working at Ashley Court, telling inspectors they felt appreciated and involved.

Gigy Johnson Paingathara, home manager at Ashley Court said: “We’re delighted to have received this rating as a reflection of the skill, hard work and care each and every member of my team demonstrates day in, day out.

“It has been particularly challenging for everybody throughout this pandemic, but the results of this inspection show that our caregivers really are exceptional people who show compassion and empathy to the people they support.”

Healthcare Homes CEO Gordon Cochrane, who visited the home over Christmas to congratulate the team, added: “The health and wellbeing of each and every resident is always our primary concern and, as an operator with an excellent track record in care quality, we are delighted that Ashley Court has been recognised by the CQC inspectors as a good home in every respect.”