THESE are the symptoms and signs that you may have the new Omicron variant.

The new strain, which is believed to be "more transmissible" is spreading rapidly in the UK.

But although health bosses are still trying to understand the variant, it has been reported that symptoms of Omicron differ from variants before it.

We've put together a list of the six symptoms that have been associated with the virus.

1. Fatigue

Tiredness and fatigue have been linked to the new variant, which is said to be more transmissible than Delta.

This symptom was also associated with previous strains and can last for weeks after infection.

It is not yet known how long tiredness and fatigue will last once someone tests positive for Omicron.

2. Body aches and pains

As reported by patients with the original coronavirus strain, Body aches and pains are also consistent with the new Omicron variant.

3. Headache

Common with more viral infections, those infected with Omicron have reported headaches as a symptom.

Researchers found that people with coronavirus tend to have moderate to severely painful headaches.

4. Scratchy throat

The doctor who first raised the alarm about Omicron aid patients reported having a "scratchy throat" - but no cough.

South Africa health professional, Dr Angelique Coetze, says patients with the variant have "very mild" symptoms.

Taking paracetamol as well as drinking plenty of fluids should help get rid of headaches.

5. Runny nose

Often associated with a cold or flu, a runny nose has also been linked to Omicron infection.

6. Sneezing

Like with a runny nose, sneezing has also been reported by those who have tested positive for omicron.

As per public health advice, if you have any coronavirus symptoms, then you should book yourself a PCR test.