The full harvest moon put on a spectacular show in the skies above Dorset on Monday night.

Here are some spectacular pictures of the full moon if you missed it, these pictures were all taken by the Daily Echo camera club.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Gary JacobsPhoto credit: Gary Jacobs

Also known as the Corn Moon, the full moon traditionally signalled to farmers when to start harvesting their crops.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Nicky WicksPhoto credit: Nicky Wicks

It is symbolic of a new beginning, coming after hard work and dedication.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Jackie SmithPhoto credit: Jackie Smith

This year's Harvest Moon appeared at its brightest just after midnight at 12.54am on Tuesday, 21 September.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Sue CablePhoto credit: Sue Cable

The next full moon is the Hunter’s Moon which will appear in the sky on October 20 at 3.56pm.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Paul CobbPhoto credit: Paul Cobb

Like the harvest moon, the hunter's moon is particularly bright and long in the sky, traditionally giving hunters the opportunity to stalk their prey at night.

Bournemouth Echo: Photo credit: Sara TaylorPhoto credit: Sara Taylor

Before the year is over there will also be a partial lunar eclipse, barely visible in the UK, on 19 November 2021. However, there will be a longer wait for the next total lunar eclipse on the 16 May 2022.