A MAN kicked a police officer in the head and spat on another while being arrested in Bournemouth town centre.

Dorset Police received a report at 8.15pm on Thursday September 16 of shoplifting involving the theft of alcohol from the Tesco Metro store in Bourne Avenue.

It was reported that a man had been aggressive toward a security guard who attempted to stop him as he left the store.

Officers attended and it was reported that a man matching the description of the offender had been seen in the Lower Gardens.

They went to detain the man, who reportedly attempted to make off from the scene, and resisted their efforts to arrest him.

One officer was reportedly kicked to the head and sustained an injury to their arm and another was spat at by the man.

A 31-year-old Bournemouth man was arrested on suspicion of theft, being drunk and disorderly in a public place and two assaults on emergency workers.

He is assisting officers with their enquiries.