A POOLE resident witnessed a meteor flying through the sky while he was driving, late on Sunday evening.

Stewart Wren was driving along Ringwood Road to pick his wife up from work at around 10:30 pm, when he witnessed the bright meteor stream across the sky in front of him.

He said: “Out of nowhere this huge bright green and yellow light comes across and just shoots across the sky. I’d never seen anything like it, so I was really surprised, it kind of reminded me of the Northern lights.

“It was spectacular and I was really shocked to see it, especially here as it headed towards the coast. I managed to capture it on my dash cam.

“It probably went across the sky for about 7 seconds or so and in the beginning I thought it was a helicopter but after it had gone across the sky and diminished in brightness, I just guessed it was a meteor.”

Stewart researched the meteor online afterwards and found that it had been reported.

He said: “I think there’s a video as well from Jersey which is a pretty good shot, but it is quite rare, I think that I am unlikely to ever see anything like this again in my lifetime.”