SUMMER sadly came and went and now we’re into September.

But what does this month have in store?

Two Bournemouth-based weather enthusiasts have given their take on what it may hold for us.

Dorset Sun said: “Temperatures are likely to be around average with above average rainfall, dry and warm initially which a cool and unsettled period mid-month and potentially high pressure returning in the final week.”

In a more in-depth prediction, he said: “September will begin on a warm and dry note but high pressure will retreat during the end of week one, this will increase the risk of unsettled spells during week two and three, as low pressure asserts its presence on the North Atlantic.

“The middle of the month is strongly favoured to being wet and perhaps stormy conditions at times, winds will likely dominate from the west.

“Temperatures will start off just above average but tend to become close to average as we progress through the month.

“After the mid-month unsettled period there is the chance that high pressure will return for the final week of September. This may bring a warmer and drier period at the end of the month.”

Bournemouth and Poole Weather said: “September is a tricky month to get insight into as tropical activity in the Atlantic can change the outlook quickly in the medium term.

“That being said, the picture looks like it may improve initially with a gradual improvement in the leaden skies over the next few days, in fact it looks like it could be turning increasingly warm though the weekend and into early next week, we could see temps into the mid-20s before a breakdown starts to push in from the Atlantic.

“How unsettled it gets beyond the 10th is open to debate but at least some rain and cooler conditions appear most likely.

“Beyond mid-month it’s highly uncertain and ultimately not worth the detail but as whole I’d be surprised if September was a poor relative to any of the summer months we were subjected too. “

Bournemouth and Poole Weather said this summer had been “pretty dreadful” and was the worst since 2012.

Posting on Twitter he said: “Don’t have the official stats yet but would expect them to show as significantly wetter & duller than average with temps around average (help by mild nights) certainly the worst summer since 2012.

“Summer was also compounded by the fact we had a terrible May and cold April, in fact it was the coldest April/May combo in over 30 years. Only the start of June and the hot spell in mid July delivered any true summery weather, also another poor year for thunderstorm fans.”