PLANS to convert and extend a three-storey block of offices in Bournemouth town centre into a seven-storey block of 40 flats have been approved.

Several changes have been made to the scheme for Fairview House in Hinton Road since it was first submitted to BCP Council, including the removal of the ground floor covered parking area which was originally proposed.

The application, submitted in May last year by Initiative Property Management, attracted no objections and 22 letters of support with six ‘neutral’ comments.

Among the comments were that the scheme would regenerate the road, that the new homes would be welcomed and lauding the efforts to make the scheme as carbon neutral as possible.

Ward councillor Mike Greene welcomed the spaces for car club parking while Bournemouth Civic Society asked for a reduction of one storey to protect the views of the Grade I listed St Peter’s Church.

The council’s conservation officer also supported a reduction in height, ideally by at least two storeys, warning: “The revised plans…do not address the fundamental concern previously expressed over the scale and the resulting harmful impact upon the setting of the Old Christchurch Road conservation area and adjacent non-designated heritage assets.”

Because of the slope of the site, the building will be seven storeys fronting Hinton Road with a five storey frontage facing the elevated Upper Hinton Road, with the upper floor contained within a mansard roof.

Some of the homes at the front will have balconies with flats to the rear looking out on a bank of trees which the council case officer said could result on a ‘relatively poor standard of amenity’.

A ground floor swimming pool, gym and cycle parking are included within the development of one and two-bed flats.

Although the existing building is listed as office space, documents submitted to the council show no employees working there.