SIX additional community safety accredited scheme (CSAS) officers have taken to the streets of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to help tackle anti-social behaviour.

The new CSAS officers have been recruited over the last few months to work alongside the existing team of eight across the conurbation.

Councillor May Haines, portfolio holder for community safety at BCP Council, hopes the move will make residents feel safer in their communities.

She said: “I’m delighted that we’ve been able to invest in additional CSAS officers to work across our conurbation.

“They are vital to the work we do in addressing anti-social behaviour on our streets and in certain areas their presence is needed more to help resolve issues and make all our residents feel safe where they live, work and play.

“We want to empower our communities so everyone feels safe, engaged and included and through our cleaner, greener, safer campaign we’re able to do just that and install a sense of pride in our place.”

Four of the new recruits have been placed in Bournemouth town centre, in addition to the permanent appointment of an officer in Poole.

Cllr Haines added: “In addition, we will continue to fund the CSAS office for Ashley Road in Poole, which was previously funded through CIL.”

CSAS officers have delegated powers from the police Chief Constable to deal with a variety of issues including youth anti-social behaviour, street drinking, begging and street related anti-social behaviour.