GARDEN waste collections across the BCP Council area will resume next week after weeks of postponement.

A Council spokesperson said: “We are pleased to announce that garden waste collections will resume from August 23 across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

“We’re asking residents who use this service to put their garden waste bin out by 5am on their normal collection day and BCP Council’s waste teams will come round and empty it."

The service has been delayed since July due to an increase in the number of staff required to self-isolate and the lack of agency workers available. An increase in staff vacancies was also given as a reason.

No decision has yet been made on how the council will make up the missed collections. It is currently reviewing options and says it will communicate this to all customers of the service in due course.

The spokesperson added: “BCP Council thanks everyone for their patience over the last few weeks.