A MAN who received suspended sentences for a spate of offending, including the theft of a mobility scooter, has been put behind bars after committing further crimes.

Mark John Williams, 47, was spared immediate custody when he was sentenced at Poole Magistrates’ Court in May for six offences of theft.

Williams, of Rotary Close, Wimborne, was back before the courts on August 2, where he pleaded guilty to stealing meat to the value of £9.75 from the M&S convenience store at the BP Garage in Leigh Road, Wimborne, on June 9.

He also admitted two offences of theft relating to stealing vodka from the Co-op Welcome in Smuggler’s Lane, Colehill, although both of these crimes pre-dated the suspended sentence order as they were committed in April.

The bench implemented the suspended sentences as consecutive terms totalling 12 weeks.

The defendant was also ordered to pay £9.75 compensation to M&S, £58 compensation to Co-op Welcome, a £128 surcharge and £85 costs.

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