PERMISSION is sought for 43 new houses on current green land in Wimborne.

Dorset Country Homes has applied for permission to erect 43 houses, including 15 affordable homes, on the land south of Lambs Green Lane.

A design and access statement from the developers said: “The application site is currently undeveloped and is in use as horse paddocks. Most recent use of the land appears to have been agricultural.

“The proposals include creation of new access in the form of simple priority junction onto Wimborne Road, enhance the existing public footpath that runs along the outer western edge of the site to increase safety for pedestrians to and from the site, creation of walking route within the SANG for heathland visitors and a mix of housing types coalesced around the proposed junction including provision for affordable homes.

“The proposed indicative scheme has been produced to reflect concerns raised from the previous application for the 69 units.

“Based on concerns raised relative to both heritage and landscaping the proposed numbers have been reduced substantially to 43 units.

“This move has allowed for the provision of 1.05 hectares of green space which equates to 47 per cent of the site area.

“The proposals seek to coincide with policy and aims to ensure its design is not detrimental to neighbouring properties and heritage assets.

“All things considered, a conscious effort has been made to produce a scheme that satisfies the relevant criteria and coincides with policy.

“It is believed that this scheme adheres to relevant criteria and policy, whilst also providing an attractive location for future residents to live.”

An application was submitted in 2020 for 69 new dwellings on the site but was withdrawn after a host of objections.

Naked Cross Nurseries in Corfe Mullen said: “This development is totally inappropriate for the site. Access onto the road will be difficult and because of the upward slope of the land, the houses will be visible for miles. Corfe Mullen does not have the infrastructure to support another large housing development, and this area is close to the listed area and green belt.”

Planning officials will meet in the comment months to discuss the application.