A SIGNIFICANT number of objections have been lodged against an application for 35 homes off East Burton Road, Wool.

The application, from Lulworth Estate and its partners, is currently being decided by Dorset Council.

It asks for 14 three-bed homes and 21 four-bed for the open market with 7 three-bed, six two bed and a single one-bed home classes as ‘affordable’ housing. The site would also have a total of 78 parking spaces across almost two hectares.

Objections include claims of an increased risk of accidents because of the proposed access which is described as being close to a blind corner; the risk to pedestrians because of a lack of a pavement alongside the site coupled with limited street lighting; a flood risk; concerns over local sewage capacity; the loss of green space which divides East Burton and Wool; a housing density which is not appropriate for the area and the threat to wildlife including Skylarks which are said to nest in the field.

Concerns have also been expressed about the ability of the local GP surgery to cope with the extra people and the fact that the site is 1.6km from the school which is likely to lead to more parents driving their children to school.

One letter writer raised the risk of second homes: “It is understood that it is necessary to offer local people affordable housing; this is not what you would appear to be offering. These houses will become second homes for people commuting. Our railway station makes this site attractive for such home buyers; which is not good for the locals.”

Concerns about the development have also been raised by the council waste collection service which says that current rounds in the area are at capacity and further thought needs to be given to how a refuse lorry would turn in some parts of the development.

Other formal consultees have not objected to the application, most stating that they believe it to be acceptable, or suggesting minor changes and conditions.

Wool parish council says it supports the local people's objections and questions if Dorset Council will commit to carrying out traffic calming works, requested several years ago, if the development is allowed.

It asks that the scheme is not considered until there is an adopted Local Plan for the area.