A MEMBER of staff at a Bournemouth off licence has appeared in court in relation to handling stolen confectionary for the benefit of the shop.

Garip Ozkan denied a single charge of handling stolen goods but was found guilty following a trial at Poole Magistrates' Court on July 28.

The allegation related to £80 of confectionary which belonged to Co-op in Seabourne Road, Bournemouth.

The court heard that the Ozkan, 43 and of Kimberley Road, Bournemouth, dishonestly undertook or assisted in the retention, removal, disposal or realisation of the stolen goods by or for the benefit of Moore The Merrier on September 23 last year.

Following the guilty verdict, magistrates fined the defendant £147 and ordered him to pay £34 surcharge and £400 costs.

There was no compensation order because the confectionary was recovered.