I HAVE asked BCP if Southbourne is still part of the BCP ‘family’.

No reply to date.

We still pay council tax as per the other areas of BCP.

Where are the traffic wardens and tow trucks to combat our appalling parking problem caused by visitors?

Where is the enforcement re dogs on leads?

I have suggested that our ‘representatives’ on the council take a walk over Hengistbury Head and witness the appalling damage done by walkers not using paths, and the heartbreaking absence of wildlife caused by dogs off-lead and uncontrollable.

Many of us who have lived in this part of Bournemouth for many years are sick and tired of raising these same issues and then seeing zero action.

We are hearing lots about Sandbanks. BCP needs to look east.

Successive councils have overseen the destruction of Bournemouth town centre. Is Southbourne next on their hit list?

Westfield Road, Southbourne