A WORKSHOP in Ashley Road, Poole could be demolished to make way for three small homes.

A full planning consent has been lodged by Brendan Developments Ltd for the Penn Hill ward site, at number 285, which is on the corner with Edward Road.

The application says the 48-square metre workshop was previously attached to a retail unit but is now redundant. It was previously used by a soft furniture and window blinds business which has re-located to Bournemouth.

One two-bed and two one-bed homes are being proposed for the site in red brick under a tiled roof.

An agent’s letter to the council says that the one bedroom flats, at 45sqm, are under the required 50 sq.m. for a 1 bedroom, 2-person one storey dwelling, but “has a concession of 20 per cent being located on a primary transport corridor, so falls within the tolerance level required.”

A similar argument is put for the house, which should be a minimum of 79 sq.m. for a two-bedroom, four-person two storey dwelling, but will be 68sqm.

Public comments are open on the application, ref 21/00947/F, until the third week in August.