LONELINESS in Poole is being tackled one box at a time thanks to a project designed and created by a local man.

Carpenter Joe Wright, 32, created Communibox, a non-profit project designed to lower the numbers of people experiencing loneliness and social isolation in the town.

Every month subscribers in the local area are treated to an A5 box full of details about local groups, events and news, with an aim of keeping people connected.

Joe said: "I started the project a couple of years ago, before Covid, when I worked for the British Red Cross on a loneliness project where we were referred to people suffering with loneliness and isolation.

"I learnt that there is a huge community that is missed out by social media and internet services and therefore uninformed on all of the things that they can be getting involved with locally.

"When I worked with the British Red Cross, everything we did was done through Google. We searched for groups and activities for people to do, but many people didn't have any internet at all to do this themselves. The funding for this project ended but the issue was still there.

"It was frustrating to see so many people unaware of things going on.

"So, I created an A5 box full of information about local groups and events in Poole. People have no idea these events are happening, but in the box there are things people can join in with, as well as relevant deals and promotions from businesses such as competitions.

"By sending out monthly subscription boxes to subscribers containing details on groups, clubs, events, local information, promotions, and services I hope to bridge this gap and connect the people with the town and everything that it has to offer."

Recent examples of support for Communibox includes Haskins contributing 'grow your own' seeds to the boxes so subscribers have something to enjoy at home.

Joe has also partnered with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service by promoting their health and safety checks in the boxes.

Crews from the service then provide those they visit when conducting the checks a leaflet about Communibox.

Joe said: "Anything can go in the box that is relevant so people can know about what is happening.

"It's totally free for businesses and and groups to get involved, and I'm trying to look for more partners like Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service to get involved.

"By offering a subscription service, the funding would not disappear and unlike the Red Cross project, can continue.

"It costs £5.99 a month and it funds itself, any profits made go straight back into the community."

The Communibox subscription is currently only offered in Poole, but Joe is keen to offer it in places such as Bournemouth and Wareham.

He said: "Bournemouth would be amazing as there's so much going on, but I am looking at the more rural places like Wareham as there is less going on.

"If I can get one person out of their home and into a group, then I've achieved what this project is all about.

"I'm always up for receiving new ideas about the box from people. More ideas would be great, and I'd really love to reach more vulnerable people. "

To find out more about Communibox and to support the project, visit: https://www.communibox.co.uk/