Residents have created a petition of nearly 400 signatures, to save Scotts Hill Lane Playpark in Christchurch.

This site is currently managed by BCP Council and had recently been decommissioned.

However, Christchurch Town Council is investigating the opportunity to take on the site going forwards, after recognising its value to residents in the area.

Councillor Simon McCormack said: “The Scotts Hill Lane park was due to be closed by BCP Council due to a combination of the lease running out and the fact it required some investment due to its condition.

“It’s my opinion, that the park is used enough to justify not only the Town Council taking it on, but also for the required work to be funded, possibly through CIL money.

“I've had a lot of communication with residents and a petition was started to save the park, I think it would be a tragedy to lose such a precious asset.”

The matter was most recently discussed by the town council at the Community Committee meeting on the 29th June at 6pm.

During this meeting they decided to refer the matter to the Town Council’s Full Council, meaning that the whole Town Council will decide whether to commit to this plan.

The Council will consider the following recommendations from the Community Committee:

“Recommended to Full Council that The Town Council: Step-in to the Scotts Hill Lane Playpark lease position currently occupied by BCP Council; and writes to BCP Council conveying the strong desire and wish to take responsibility for the site; and considers allocation from Community Infrastructure Levy a capital expenditure project."

BCP Councillor Mark Anderson, said: “Scotts Hill Lane play area is currently on land leased by BCP Council. At their next Full Council meeting on 12 July Christchurch Town Council are to consider asking for the transfer of this play area over to them as part of their wider play offering. If this is agreed, we will work alongside them, aiming to secure new leasing arrangements to enable it to be retained and improved.”