A FORMER SAS sergeant from Poole is embarking on ‘the world’s worst ever book signing tour’ to promote his debut novel.

Ray Carole, 42, is peddling a collapsible bicycle nearly 4,000 miles around Britain in a trip that will also see him raise money for the Bowra Foundation.

The foundation aims to inspire resilience among people suffering from neurological disorders.

After his military career, Ray raced 500 miles to the North Pole and then skied 715 miles to the South Pole in an attempt to be the first person to walk there and back solo.

This mission, which he was forced to abort due to the season ending, features in the gripping semi-autobiographical thriller, The Clinic.

Bournemouth Echo: Ray Carole, formerly of the SAS, has penned a book - The Clinic - based on his experiences

Ray, who at one stage was the youngest member of the SAS, said: “I’ve called it the ‘world’s worst ever book signing’ as a bit of a gimmick, but the idea is to meet people along the way and have some fun.

“I began in Poole then headed to the Isle of Wight and will continue east, stopping at pubs to do signings. The tour will be exhausting on a small bicycle but with my other planned physical challenges delayed it seemed like a good idea.”

For details on Ray’s progress, visit: https://www.raysbooktour.com.