THE Adam Practice has now delivered more than 50,000 Covid vaccines at the Port of Poole.

In a statement on the surgery's facebook page, a spokesman said: "We would like to begin by thanking all our staff and volunteers who have helped deliver this service since January.

"All over 18's are now eligible for the Covid vaccine and the majority of patients will have received a text invitation to book this at Poole Ferry Port, or a central Government invitation to book online or by calling 119.

"If any patient over 18 still wishes to book their first dose at Poole Ferry Port, please contact your surgery directly to book this.

"We would recommend contacting us via Facebook or email for this to reduce telephone demand, which is currently extremely high."

The practice also said that the clinics are Poole Port are now reducing in number and are generally held midweek – so if people require a weekend appointment they are being recommended to contact the National Booking Service to find an alternative venue.

The National Booking Service can be contacted by calling 119, or going online to book:…/coronavi…/book-coronavirus-vaccination/