Today is National Offer Day for primary schools, the nervous wait for parents ahead of their child’s first milestone in their education is finally over.

Today, families up and down the country should receive a letter in the post or an email depending on how they applied.

Finding out if your child has been accepted into your preferred primary school is a big day for families, however, sometimes things don’t always go to plan.  

Here is everything you need to know on National Offer Day 2021.

How do I find out my child’s school placement?

If the application has been submitted online, the news is likely to arrive in an email or through a portal you’ve registered to.

Or, if parents have applied for a school place via paper format, the news should arrive by letter on doormats by the early morning.

What happens if your child doesn’t get accepted into their school of choice?

If your child has been refused a place at one or more of your preferred schools, you are entitled to appeal against that decision.

The type of school will determine who will consider your appeal - this could be the academy trust, local authority or governing body.

Your appeal should be lodged as soon as you receive a refusal letter, and should be submitted no later than 5pm on May 14, 2021.

However, the deadline for appeals at BCP Council will be May 18, 2021. 

The law states that no more than 30 children should be taught by a single teacher in infant classes, which can change in exceptional circumstances.

Mike Pemberton, partner and head of the civil liberties and public law team at Stephensons, specialises in education law.