AS lockdown forced many of us to spend much more time at home, a lot of people turned their attention to their gardens.

We were unable to visit some gorgeous gardens in the past year, but we were able to admire our own.

We want you to help take us on a virtual tour of the glorious gardens around the region.

Lots of gardens will be showing beautiful spring blooms, delighting their occupants with an array of floral displays.

Have you perhaps created an oasis of calm to relax in during stressful times with chimes, lights and a water feature?

Or have you been cooking up a storm with a kitchen garden or barbecue?

Are you now the proud owner of your very own lockdown pub, which a few family and friends will soon be able to enjoy?

Do you get to sample your own honey from a beehive or make jam from homegrown strawberries?

Perhaps fish are your thing, with a pond providing a whole new world of wildlife.

Send us a photo of your garden, window box or allotment by clicking on the link below and we'll feature it in our 'over the garden fence' feature.

Whether it's an oasis of pots, a sprawling lawn with bright borders, beautiful hanging baskets or something completely unique, we want to see your gorgeous gardens.

Jeanette Foster wanted to show us her spring flowers and said: “ I have planted loads of bulbs. This is my little piece of heaven all my hyacinths smell wonderful and there’s still more to burst through!”

Tom Jury sent us pictures of his glorious Spring garden, bursting with daffodils, and his cat enjoying the sunshine! 

Jak Riley in Bournemouth has kept very busy in lockdown: she re-turfed the back lawn, restored an old chiminea, repainted her fence and chopped down a tree. All her patio pots have been re-planted, she has new outdoor lights, a rug and now says:"I just love chilling and relaxing with my friends and family and wonderful neighbours on glorious sunny days."

So, whether it's window boxes, a veg plot or an allotment, if you're proud of your efforts share it with us at the link below or email pictures and some details to