NEW plans to replace four bungalows in Southbourne with more than two-dozen flats and homes have been submitted.

Hurst & Hurst Estates Ltd is applying for permission to clear 16-20a Belle Vue Road to make way for two blocks of flats and three new bungalows.

Two previous attempts to redevelop the land were rejected but the developer said its new scheme had overcome the reasons for refusal.

A linked appeal was made in 2019 to challenge the decisions but was dismissed by the planning inspectorate because of the impact the developments would have had on living conditions and due to the loss of family homes.

The two applications proposed the construction of 40 and 38 sheltered flats on the site, respectively.

Plans filed at the end of last month detail revised proposals which would see two blocks of 11 non-age restricted flats built alongside three three-bedroom bungalows.

The 22 flats would all have two bedrooms and a total of 28 parking spaces would be provided across the site.

“The previous application proposed a single large block spreading across the site, wider than the site currently proposed and with a T-shaped form extending deep into the site,” a statement submitted by the developer’s agent, CL Planning says. “The proposal steps away from one large block approach and creates two separate blocks, with the council favourable of this approach.”

During consultation between BCP Council planning officers and the developer, held before the application was submitted, the council said this view had been based on the judgement made by the planning inspector during the appeal over the two previous schemes.

The statement adds that the new proposal “in contrast” to the previous ones, includes “substantial landscaping” that, it says, “creates a high quality street scene” and that the scaled of the development “has reduced substantially”.

Council planning officers will consider the application in the coming months.