DORSET residents only have a few days left to have their say on Dorset Council Local Plan.

The plan is a draft Local Plan containing proposals for guiding future development in the Dorset Council area.

The consultation for this plan ends on March 15 and the plan, once adopted, will guide decisions on planning applications in Dorset until 2038.

Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for planning, Cllr David Walsh said: "I am very pleased and encouraged by the number of people engaging and commenting on the Dorset Council Local Plan. If you haven’t responded yet, there is still time.

"Even though we are consulting during a pandemic, our statistics are showing a huge increase in the numbers engaging in the local plan process compared to previous consultations. We have also had input from all ages and from all parts of the county."

The themes and areas covered in the plan have been explained through a variety of means, including podcasts that are available online on audio streaming services, and webinars which can be viewed on the council’s YouTube channel.

Information regarding the plan can also be viewed in the windows of empty shops, libraries with public facing windows and Tourist Information Centres around the county.

Paper copies of the plan can also be borrowed from the libraries as part of their order and collect service.

A dedicated phone line, 01305 252500, is available Monday to Friday from 10am to 2pm for people to call in with issues about viewing the plan or ask questions of the planning team.

You can also comment on the plan here: