I would love to say I'm surprised regarding the government's derisory offer of a 1% pay rise to hardworking NHS staff, but sadly I'm not.

I'm exasperated, seeing colleagues and friends reach burnout, with the need to pay off debts accrued from university, pressured to fill all the hours left empty by vacancies; vacancies created by a decade of austerity.

Working in mental health it's been a year of insecurity, upheaval and non-stop sterling work from my cohorts.

Trying to build a rapport with paranoid individuals, from behind a face mask, along with a constant battle to try and make someone understand the need to isolate, and balance patient care with ward lockdowns.

All that whilst dealing with the day-to-day, heartbreaking stories, and countering episodes of emotional distress, and violent or aggressive outbursts.

But I still can't even imagine what it must be like to work in ITU and lose your patients, day in, day out, to be worried for those around you, your colleagues, friends or family; that's some strength right there.

To use a term that's become too familiar this past year, I "doff" my cap to you.

Yet what do we receive in return?

Boris Johnson's talk last year of how much he values us, is yet more vacuous rhetoric, much like his promise to ensure the strength of peace in Northern Ireland, or [insert any number of broken promises here].

I for one am sick and tired of hearing the same old duplicity from the Conservatives.

It was heart warming and I was truly touched to hear the public behind us, celebrating ours and other keyworkers' contributions; it made me feel like part of a nation, after such dividing times over the past few years.

I've news for you though Johnson: handclaps don't pay the mortgage, and they don't put food in kids' mouths - but at least we now know without doubt your contempt for us.

We're not the only ones to have worked hard this last year - but with better paid, government backed jobs, like the NHS, the private sector will be forced to follow.

Or is it of that which the Conservatives are truly afraid?

I'd like to thank our Dorset populace for such gratitude over this past year, it's been a bizarre and uncertain time for all, but please one last favour?

Join me, and my colleagues in demanding better from our government.

Challenge our MPs to pushback against their party's decision.

I raise that to Robert Syms, my representative, and I will be reminding him of all this, and his response in four years time when he's up for re-election.

John Tutton
