SUCCESSIVE BCP council administrations have spoken about bringing in far reaching Public Space Protection Orders to deal with anti-social behaviour.

Councillors for instance citing the case of camping on public beaches.

But then high profile beaches apart it would be most encouraging if our council, and councillors, could make an effort to tackle camping, and squatting, at this current time in our high streets.

We have had daytime drinkers in our high street, Ashley Road, for years.

Year on year council, and police, between them, have zero impact.

At best police responding to cases of violence.

With ever growing complaints several months ago BCP Cllrs heralded new "community marshals" to be appointed.

They were going to make all the difference.

So we now have "community marshals".

Over three months impact of marshals on high street anti-social behaviour, zero.

For instance four men permanently camping in a closed outlet doorway.

Nice and convenient for them, next to a fast-food take-away, and great position to solicit donations.

And our new "marshals" what are they doing?

Again, absolutely nothing. They tell us they cannot act to stop these men squatting in the doorway as it is private property.

In which case why on earth are we paying large sums of money to fund these people if they cannot deal with issues?

In all it so very depressing that bureaucracies become so regulation bound a police officer, or a "marshal", cannot move on squatters as they are in a doorway that is "private".

Not even, dare we suggest, BCP marshals, or £13K a year BCP councillors - so called community leaders - taking an initiative and advising owners to get shutters on the front of their doorway, asap.

Problem is then solved.

Jeff Williams
