LOCKDOWN has been difficult for all of us for different reasons.

After almost a year of restrictions and three lockdowns, we’re all looking for a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

With the Covid vaccine now given to 15million people, there is reason to be hopeful that we will all be able to see those we’ve missed most and soon be able to get back to enjoying some of our favourite things in life.

Prime minister Boris Johnson will set out a ‘road map’ for how restrictions will start to be eased on February 22 with schools due to open to pupils from March 8.  

We invited readers to tell us on the Bournemouth Echo's Facebook page which lockdown measure they would like to see eased first.

Here’s what they said…

Seeing loved ones

"Seeing family. It’s not fair on grand children and grandparents in particular. But also seeing parents and their own children who have moved out too. Family over everything always. It amazes me how we as a nation look at the material things in life! Even after all this!"

"I just want to hug my 92 year old nan. It's been a year. I know it's not safe yet, but the day it is, that will be the best hug I've ever had."

"Able to see more family and friends and being able to go in their gardens/houses."

"Just being able to spend time with my mum and dad would be nice."

"To be able to see my grandchild in Essex and to get my ruddy hair cut!"

"To be able to give my grandchildren their Christmas presents from last year."

"I would really like to be able to see my daughter. Visiting at the hospital is not allowed in the baby care unit and I’m missing out on being able to spend time with and support my wife."

"Being able to see family and friends. I haven't seen my stepmum for a year and she's only 30 miles away! Technology is great but can never make up for physical contact. I don't want it to be rushed though as everyone will rush out again to pubs etc and then we'll be locked down again so it'll be a never ending cycle which is no good for businesses or anyone."


"Def 8 march children back in school and colleges and unis next for their mental well being."

"Children back in schools. Homeschooling is stressful for parents."

"Schools, colleges and universities to go back. Outside meet ups higher than two people."

"Schools are the main thing pubs, clubs and the gyms can wait, kids first."

Hairdressers and barbers

"Hairdressers, nail salons, well monitored coffee shops and non-essential stores."

"Barbers... last time I had hair like this was in the 70's."

"The hairdresser's open, I want to be able to work so I can provide for my family.. instead having to watch my husband work himself into an early grave at this rate."

"Hairdressers and beauticians they wear full PPE and need to get their businesses back."

Sport and gyms 

"Allowing youth sport as its vital for children's mental health."

"Open the gyms and pools to 'workout to help out'"

"Get the GYMS OPEN! People’s mental and physical health needs to be a priority, especially in a world that keeps McDonald’s open and closes gyms. Heart disease, Obesity, Diabetes, anxiety, Depression, PTSD, to name a few that are all helped by physical exercise."

"Get the golf courses open."