A TEMPORARY gallery has been installed outside of a Christchurch home to encourage local people to share their art.

Theatre director Lorna Rees, 42, created the noticeboard-style gallery for the purpose of showcasing people's art and notices.

The blue board was erected outside of her house in Elizabeth Avenue on Monday, February 1 and has already received submissions.

Lorna said: "It makes me really happy that people have already submitted art. A poet from New York has submitted a poem and it currently contains art by an 11-year-old and a seven-year-old.

"I love my community, so I wanted to do something that leaves us feeling happy during lockdown. In the past, we've created some really lovely things for our road community.

"I got an old chip board off of Gumtree for £10, cut it down and created the notice board."

The 'gallery' is open to a variety of submissions, including photos, paintings, poems and even notices about food bank requirements, from Christchurch residents and further afield.

Lorna said: "I really want to see what evolves. It's a focal point for the community and it's up to people to decide what goes on the board.

"We may swap things around now and again if it gets too cluttered. People are so welcome to add something to the board, we would all love it. The board will be tidied every week with new items added.

"I think people are desperate for art and to show community spirit, which has been really hard to do during lockdown. I want to spread positivity and joy and make sure that people have stuff to look at when they walk down our road.

"Many of our neighbours don’t have digital devices to feel connected, so we’re making sure that they get some of the best bits of social media. We’re also in a time when all of our art centres are shut, which has been pretty devastating for many of us. This is one small way we can keep creativity visible where we live."