A CARE provider has been rated ‘requires improvement’ in its latest CQC report.

Obasan Services Limited was inspected by the Care Quality Commission in September, who found the provider of personal care had improvements to make.

The CQC inspects care providers periodically and determines whether they are ‘inadequate’, ‘requires improvement’, ‘good’, or ‘outstanding’.

Obasan Services Limited is a care agency providing support to ten people in their homes. It is based in Wallisdown Road, Poole.

The inspectors found it requires improvement in two categories, whether the service is safe, and whether the service is well-led.

The CQC report said: “Since our last inspection there has been some improvement made in addressing the shortfalls in management oversight of the safety and quality of the service. However, we have found that further improvements are needed to ensure they are effective.

“The service did not have some systems in place to ensure adequate monitoring and oversight.

“Audits did not cover all aspects of the service which meant that risk assessments were out of date and not reviewed in line with the service policy.

“This meant people were at risk of receiving care that was not safe. Staff knowledge of people reduced this risk and we did not find anyone had been harmed by this failure.”

On whether the service was safe, the inspectors found incident reports were not reviewed to identify trends, breaching regulation 17 of the health and social care act 2008.

They also found that staff sometimes didn’t wear face masks to control infection, however the registered manager said they would raise this immediately.

On whether the service was well-led, the report said: “At the last three inspections, we found there was insufficient oversight of the quality and safety of the service.

“There was a breach of regulation. At this inspection we found this had continued, improvements had been made but oversight was still not fully effective.”

The inspectors found the service didn’t have a system in place to monitor the quality of care provided. According to the report, a system has now been put in place.

There was also not a system in place to alert staff to annual reviews of care plans. The registered manager told inspectors this has now been put in place.

People and their relatives told inspectors they did feel safe with the service, however.

One person said: "All carers go the extra mile and are flexible.”

Obasan Services Limited declined to comment.