IN LINE with Government regulations, Dorset Council’s libraries and Tourist Information Centres across the county have now closed until Wednesday December 2.

But many services will still be provided during the lockdown period, including the Order & Collect book service which will allow all library members to order up to 10 items per library card from your selected preference, chosen by library staff.

Dorset Libraries have had over 3,000 orders since launching their Order & Collect service in July. This amounted to around 400 per week in July when libraries were closed, although this number dropped off once libraries began to reopen.

Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Communities Cllr. Jill Haynes said: “It’s a shame we’ve had to close our libraries and tourist information centres again, especially since some locations have only just reopened in recent months, but we must observe the latest lockdown restrictions.

“However, our dedicated employees are doing everything they can to continue providing some key services over the coming weeks that we hope will make things a little easier for our loyal customers and visitors.

“I was very pleased that, during the last lockdown, our Libraries Team saw a significant growth in customers accessing our facilities using our online resources and services and this is something we want to encourage as we move ever more into a digital world.

Customers can continue to access online resources and virtual activities and events, and all 23 of the council’s libraries will continue with their non-contact collection service for pre-selected books, as well as doorstep drops for people who are housebound.

All face to face services at Dorset Council’s three Tourist Information Centres in Dorchester, Sherborne and Wareham have been suspended, but the council will continue to provide an email/phone enquiry service.

Cllr Haynes added: “It’s very important for our young people and some our more vulnerable residents, and we must enable people to access materials to support emotional and mental well-being at this difficult time.

“We’ll reopen as soon as we’re able to, and I want to thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding.”

People can order online by visiting or by calling 01305 228400.

Contact details for Tourist Information Centre services can be found online at